Tried To Sell Before?

If you were listed before and didn’t sell you know all agents are not equal. Remember the 80/20 rule? Today it’s more like 95/5. Talk to us and learn why we are part of the 5%.

Disappointing is hardly the word when your home is on the market with no results.  Words that come to mind include frustrating, discouraging, exasperating and more. 

In the real estate industry, a home that sells in 30 days or less is known as a quick sale, but even 30 days doesn’t feel so quick for the people who live there and must keep it clean and neat with beds made and dishes put away at all times.

When your home remains on the market for more than 3 or 4 or even 6 months with no action, it is possible to feel hopeless, abandoned and angry. 

Now is the time to change that.  No matter what the market is doing, there are always people who need to buy homes.  In any economy, people need a place to live.  We at Berkshire Hathaway Select Properties work with those people every day.

We don’t simply collect volumes of listings, put a sign in the yard, advertise them once or twice and then hope for the best.  We provide a written marketing plan and a corresponding budget amount for marketing beyond the basics to reach precisely the people who need to know about your home.  This may include a direct mailing to agents known to be active in your area, special photography, brochures to corporations planning group moves and targeting “move up” neighborhoods for your home. Visit our website at to see how your home will be showcased and how prospective buyers can find all the information about it.

Above all, we promise you our best efforts based on our extensive professional experience and knowledge.  We will counsel with you at every step from an objective market analysis to the transfer of title.  We will be truthful and thorough.  We have common goals — the best sale price with the least inconvenience in the shortest time.

We get to know you and your goals.  We learn about your home and its special appeal. We will showcase your property to its best advantage.  We know how to help you best address today’s buyer demands. 

Communication with you is the key to accomplishing your goals. We promise consistent, frank updates and follow up.

Our track record going back 8 years is a 97% success ratio. We can help you win in today’s market.

Let us make your move a success… and a pleasure!


Here are the questions we will discuss in depth. The answers will help us find a new and better direction in marketing and successfully selling your home.

1. Why do you think your home didn’t sell?

2. Did you have any offers? If so, what happened?

3. How many showings did you have?

4. Did you have any “second showings”? Did those buyers actually buy another property?

5. What feedback have you received about the buyers who viewed your home? What did you do in response to that information?

6. When was the last time you were shown a market update?

7. What do you believe it will take to sell your home now?

8. What type of marketing was done for your home? Did you find it satisfactory?

9. Did you receive weekly or more frequent updates?

10. What changes have you been advised to make in price or condition?

11. What changes, if any, are you prepared to make?

12. Are you able to move to your new home without the sale of your present home?

13. What would it do to your plans if you couldn’t sell?

14. What things would you like us to do for you?