Want To Sell It Yourself?


You CAN do it yourself. Here’s how:

Do everything in the “Get the Most From today’s Market” on the home page.

Fix it; stage it; price it right; market it & negotiate directly with your buyer. Then get through the buyer’s inspections and close. 

Selling a home is not rocket science, just a million different tasks and details. We have a task list and a list of things you will need to arrange for and we will happily send them to you. Just ask.

Why on earth would we give that away? Well, first, this is America and we believe you are absolutely entitled to sell your home. Second, after years in the business we know it’s harder than it sometimes looks and we want to be the agents you call with questions so we might have a chance of getting your business - or at least some referrals. Third, if you sell and close for your price in your time frame you didn’t need us.

You will need some people to handle the contract and the closing. A real estate attorney can handle writing and reviewing the terms of the contract and any title company can close it. Need recommendations? Call us. 

Most people considering going by owner have one or more of several motivations:

1. Saving the commission - after all it’s A LOT of money. We know. Yet, consider that it’s less than the sales tax you pay on almost everything you buy. Thought provoking. 

2. Selling for a higher price - Maybe the price opinions you have don’t relate to your opinion of value. Totally understandable

3. A previous bad experience - It happens. You want to protect yourself from another. Read the section on the Importance of Choosing an Agent.

The primary reasons for you to sell are your net dollars - either selling for a higher price or saving the commission.  Buyers have exactly the same goals. Buyers who try to buy directly from an owner also want to put that money in their pocket. They have the same sources of comparable sales information as owners. They will try to get their best deal.  That is what you face when negotiating with them. Fair market value generally includes a sales commission.

Often a buyer will have his Buyer Agent approach you and offer for you to pay a reduced commission in order to close the sale. May seem like an attractive offer considering the agent will take care of all the “details”. Just keep in mind that the agent only represents the interests of the buyer and will do everything possible to give the buyer the advantage - in price, terms, inspections and timing. And you are paying that agent. 

Some of the “details” to know or arrange for:

Legal Compliance & Disclosures:

  • Lead Disclosure
  • Municipal Regulations
  • Fire District Inspections
  • Disclosure of Known Defects
  • Septic & Well Disclosure
  • Subdivision or Condominium Covenants
  • Special Assessments

Environmental Issues: 

  • Radon
  • Asbestos
  • Lead
  • Mold

Title and Survey Issues:

  • Encroachments
  • Loan Payoffs 


  • General building
  • Termite
  • Gas Appliance Inspection
  • Code Compliance


  • Verifying Buyer Pre-Approval
  • Verifying Funding
  • Internet Lenders  

Value Determination: Get accurate, up to date research to determine your best price. 


Are you tired of buyers trying to steal your house?

Most sellers want to save the commission. Most buyers want the commission in their pocket, too. Many sellers decide to list with a broker because they realize that buyers and sellers can’t both save the same commission.

We would like to offer you a contingency plan for selling your home. We would like to interview for the job of selling your home, for whenever your time frame prompts you to place your listing with a broker. We will visit with you and learn about your goals and your home. We will prepare a written price analysis, marketing and selling proposal. You will have the information you need to make an informed decision when the time is right for you. You’ll be one step ahead of the game and have a written plan of action.

Our website allows you to search the entire MLS system with no hassle. Be sure to checkout our resume as well. Thanks for taking the time we asked for. Now you can toss it… or call us.  

So, How Much Does it Cost?

Go to the About Donna and Gil box and scroll down to the Straight Talk About Commission section. It’s all there.