Agent Testimonials

Portrait photo of Donna Giamalva
Donna Giamalva, CRS, GRI
5.0 / 5.0
5.0 / 5.0

If you want to be prepared to sell your property, at the right price, and in a better than market timeline, then you want Donna Giamalva handling your sale. No question about it!

Randy V
70 Months ago
5.0 / 5.0

Donna went above and beyond in assisting me in finding the right property for my needs. She is positive and upbeat in all her interactions. She facilitated my long distance search and purchase by being always available and prompt in answering any questions or concerns. As I previously stated Donna sets the standard for professional.

Mary B
90 Months ago
5.0 / 5.0

Donna Gialmalva has decades of top level sales and management experience and expertise; and she knows her stuff! Can tell a seller what the likely outcome and proceeds will be almost at the first meeting,. No run-arounds from this agent .

Eleanor C
91 Months ago